Saturday 31 January 2009

Outcast Order Classic Raid - Tempest Keep Part 1

Anyway, This is Outcast Order going through one of our usual Classic raids, which we do on Tuesday for either the Achievement, or just for the fun of it. This Time we went through Tempest Keep, and I was glad that this time the run was recorded correctly......... Well, Almost all of it. =/

Anyways, Enjoy this part. Part 2 will be Kael'thas Sunstrider.

Thursday 1 January 2009

Video Test: Death Knight Fun

I am back on WoW now for the month (yes just put in a month's worth for the time being), And I decided since I am on my new computer I'd test out 1st Screen Recorder on here.

The Reason I got this screen recorder is because it is cheap, and can be used for multiple reasons, not just certain games, so it is flexible.

This is just a random video I made to test out 1st screen recorder in regards to how much lag I might pick up, and to actually see if the audio works properly (which it somewhat does).

And I would think there is quite a difference in lag based on my previous videos if I do say so myself. The Battle at Light's Hope Chapel actually ran very smoothly. XD

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Play Your Way To Big Bucks

For so many of us, there is no better thought than being able to earn a decent amount of money playing a game that we love. Fans of games love to earn big dollars and earning World of Warcraft easy money is no exception to this rule.

World of Warcraft easy money can be yours in a range of different ways, each one interesting and fulfilling all at the same time. A few minutes of browsing some websites online will leave you privy to World of Warcraft easy money ideas in abundance. In fact, the hardest thing will be deciding which method that you want to work with. There are even guides available to you for World of Warcraft easy money that you can read and work towards in your leisure time.

As with so many different games, you need in game money to be able to do a lot of different things that you may wish to in World of Warcraft. Knowing how to get your hands on World of Warcraft easy money can make your game play experience that much better. There are so many different tips available right at your fingertips for World of Warcraft easy money. One of the big ones is that even though it can be fun to do missions as a part of a team- after all, that is part of the reason many people choose interactive online games, the payout is not as appealing.
This makes sense as when you work with others; you are required to share in the money. If you opt to go off on your own for a mission, the end result is yours to keep which is a great way for World of Warcraft easy money to be had.

These guides for World of Warcraft easy money are worth every moment that they take to read. There are things to do with game play that you may have never even thought of that can influence greatly the amount of World of Warcraft easy money that you earn on any given day. There are other websites that offer you a bit more towards earning World of Warcraft easy money. These come in the form of what is known as cheat codes. Cheat codes for World of Warcraft easy money are little codes that you can work with that will bump up your money level a lot quicker than if you work for your cash. For some people, this is perfectly acceptable and they are willing to turn towards cheat codes to help them get their World of Warcraft easy money. For others however, the ethical dilemma of using a cheat code to garner cash is not worth having easy money in World of Warcraft. They would rather work to earn their money quickly but using a more moral method.

So really, the choice of how to go about earning World of Warcraft easy money is up to you. There are plenty of different options available for you to read through and select from in your quest to earn as much World of Warcraft easy money as possible.

Friday 28 November 2008

My Journey into Wrath of the Lich King, with a Little Help Along the Way

I have been playing Wrath of the Lich King for a little while now and a few people asked me to give my impressions. While I’ll save the details of my journeys for longer posts, I wanted to toss out a tool I’ve been using to help in said journey and a few comments on why it has been so useful to me thus far.

When you get started in Northrend, the breadth of content is pretty large. You have two starting zones to choose from with more than 130 quests each for each faction and a whole lot of different reputation factions, tons of new instances, and a whole lot of new professions, gold grinding spots, and even an option to go back north to the classic continents of WoW and start a Death Knight. If you haven’t played yet, trust me when I say that you will be overwhelmed when you first set foot into the new content.

So, what does my tool have to do with all that? Well, what I’m talking about is WotLK Secrets. You may have heard about it already – a lot of people are talking about it because it’s been incredibly helpful to a lot of players. Basically, it’s a complete starters guide to Northrend and all things WotLK with in depth strategies, secrets about the game and everything you need to know about every ounce of new content.

Trust me when I say I’m not overstating anything here – this guide truly does cover every bit of the new expansion with more than 240 pages of detail on what you’re going to see and do. And when I was just getting started, it helped me not only figure out where I was going and what I was doing – it showed me what I needed to go back and redo and what I was skimping on. If you’re just getting started in WotLK, check out WotLK Secrets and if you’re already a ways in, give it a look anyways – it can’t hurt to check out what you could be missing out on.

Check it out now:

Monday 24 November 2008

WoW Wrath of the Lich King - Death Knight Walkthrough Final

*WARNING! Contains Spoilers! If you want to find out what happens for yourself I suggest leaving immediately. You have been warned.*

Here I will be showing people a small walkthrough of the Starter Area for the Death Knight for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

In Part 10 we finish this Walkthrough with an Assault on Light's Hope Chapel, where the Lich King's true intentions are finally revealed!!

Sunday 23 November 2008

WoW Wrath of the Lich King - Death Knight Walkthrough Part 9

*WARNING! Contains Spoilers! If you want to find out what happens for yourself I suggest leaving immediately. You have been warned.*

Here I will be showing people a small walkthrough of the Starter Area for the Death Knight for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

In Part 9 we take a joyride on an Undead Dragon and utterly destroy their last line of defenses in New Avalon.